


Produktionsæstetik (2024) with Ulrik Schmidt

Institutionsspecifik kunst (2024)

Pre-individual action and spectral agency (2022)

Organisation, artistic agency and lived utopias (2022)

Unreasonable organisations and the Organisation of the Unreasonable (2021)

Deep Turtle (2019)

Discursus Cumulus (2019)

It Wasn't Like That, It Was Like This (2018) by Hannah Heilmann

MFSK (2018-)

Pix R Up (2017)

The Sale (2017-) by TOVES

Søby Gradient (2016)

Sisimka (2016) by Sigrún Gudbrandsdóttir

A leaf growing into the ground falling back on a branch (2015)

50 years in the life of TOVES - artist run practices in prospective (2015) ∼ scroll contribution for the publication Making Room by Marie Thams and Hannah Heilmann

Janus Høm (2014)

A retrospective about Jan Bäcklund (2014)

Of growing grass and leaves, of emeralds, and of jade (2013)

Hvidbog#1 (2012) with Ulrik Schmidt

Letter of intent (2012)

Reflections (2011)

TOVES (2010-)

Works for Den Frie Udstilling (2008)


 engages in a wide range of activities spanning from unreasonable organisation to simple mark making. The program is not limited to specific locations nor formats, but rather in varying degrees takes its outset in and around the body of artist, organizer, educator and bus driver Honza Hoeck. Through this vector it ventures into a lived network of artists, writers, curators, institutions and art scenes that act as relays for actions of various kinds.

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